Hello Visitor! Passionate and skilled Full Stack Developer with 1.4 Year Professional experience and 6 Months Internship (Jr. Web Dev) experience in web development, specializing in maintaining robust and scalable client-server-side applications. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software solutions. Strong problem-solving abilities and a commitment to producing efficient and optimized code.
Tech Stack NodeJS(ExpressJs), NextJS (SWC + Tanstack Query), Typescript, Redis(Pub-Sub), Socket.io, IndexDB, PostgresDB, Docker, BuildPacks (Nix, Google,Paketo)
Description: The platform makes it easy to manage and deploy services. You can set up reverse proxies, generate SSL certificates (Nginx), use a live terminal in the browser, and track real-time server metrics and logs. You can deploy apps, databases, and mail servers using Git, Docker, or zip files, and manage domains, repositories, and files. It works with AWS and Digital Ocean, offers DNS management, and allows system service control. Features like email, tunneling, and FTP servers are coming soon
Tech Stack NodeJS(ExpressJs), Typescript, ReactJs(Vite+Ts), Socket.io, Redis(Pub-Sub), IndexDB
Description: People can create disposable emails and custom domains with unlimited storage and emails. It hosts its own SMTP server, allowing users to point MX records to the mail server, verify domains, and create custom mailboxes. Users can track emails (delivered, bounced, or opened) and store logs. Emails are stored securely in encrypted form using Redis and IndexDB. A temporary mail service is also available, with mails stored in the browser’s IndexDB. Future updates include SMTP support, campaigns, and private workspaces for organizations
Tech Stack NodeJS(ExpressJs), Typescript, ReactJs(Vite+Ts), Socket.io, Redis(Pub-Sub),
Description: Web Browser Based Terminal using Xterm, allowing clients to SSH into servers and supports SFTP. Users can easily upload and download files (single/multiple) with drag-and-drop functionality, and download directories as zip files. It includes pre-added command snippets for convenience. Multi-user and multi-instance support is available, with a live editor (Monaco Editor) currently in progres
Tech Stack ElectronJs, NodeJS, Typescript, ReactJs (Vite), RabbitMQ, Redis (Pub-Sub),PostgresDB, WebSockets
Description: A desktop application that connects to Tally on a client PC with a backend hosted on AWS to sync data between the database and Tally. It features efficient data exchange and real-time updates, enhancing system reliability and performance. Authentication is required with a key and secret, and it supports single-machine session-based access
Tech Stack ReactJS, NextJS, Redux, NodeJs, Socket.io, Express, Typescript, MongoDB, BillDesk SDK
Description: A luxurious website offering memberships for individuals who want to book private events by paying a membership fee.
Tech Stack ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, Socket.io, ExpressJs, Typescript
Description: A personal project for practice, where users can connect with others to edit, share, and download their own or others' code using CodeMirror. The code is executed on the backend with live collaboration features.
Tech Stack NextJS, Redux, MongoDb, Prisma, Axios, JsonWebToken, Paytm PG, Custom GoogleAuth
Description: This is a personal practice project focused on the buying and selling of gift cards. Users can buy and sell gift cards using a payment gateway implemented with Paytm.
Tech Stack NodeJS, Typescript, ReactJs (Vite),PostgresDB
Description: A Job Portal, People can join as Recruiter and Candidate